Where is The Berm Work Being Done?


120,000 tons of sand will eventually be spread out on Fort Myers Beach as part of the ongoing emergency berm project. The emergency berm is being put in place as a layer of protection against a hurricane. Hurricane season begins June 1st.

Over the next few weeks, the majority of the work on this project will take place in the areas from Margaritaville to Mango Street and mid island to Flamingo Street. Beach accesses in these areas might be inaccessible due to the construction.

Construction will also be taking place in areas around some of the beach accesses that are currently inaccessible due to the placement of large amounts of sand to be leveled. Most of the inaccessible locations are toward the south end of Estero Island.

While this work is occurring, the public is encouraged to use the beach accesses on the north end of Estero Island where construction is not occurring. These are Waistina Way, Times Square, Crescent Beach Park, Lynn Hall Park.