State, White House Deny Town Permitting Help


Getting a permit is the number one issue on the minds of Fort Myers Beach residents. As of this week you have fewer hours to receive those permits. Here’s why…

The town announced on Wednesday that its permitting department has returned to regular hours (Monday through Friday, 7:30A to 4:30P). The hours were extended to Monday-Friday, 7:30A to 6:30P and Saturday, 7:30A to 5:30P back in early January.

The town says the change is being made because the additional personnel provided for permitting services through the Florida Department of Emergency Management ended March 28.

Six months after the date of the storm is the regulatory limit for state and federal programs to provide additional support. The Town requested an extension up to and including from the White House and was denied.

The town says, as the budget allows, more staff will be hired. One position has been filled with three more to be discussed at a future Town Council meeting for the budget approval to hire.

Two positions that are currently outsourced – plans examiner and building code inspector – are in process to be hired directly by the Town.

Nine compliance personnel that were provided by the State to inspect properties will not be replaced.

Code Compliance staff are back to the pre-storm positions of two full time and one part time.

10,000 permits have been issued to property owners in various stages of rebuilding in the past six months. A typical year’s worth of permits equals about 2,000.

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