Will The Town Get Off Probation Early?


On Sunday, following the ribbon-cutting event at the Fort Myers Beach Library, Mayor Dan Allers announced on Beach Talk Radio that the town anticipates receiving a letter from FEMA soon, hinting at potential positive developments for residents. When asked if this could mean an early end to the town’s probationary status, Allers was optimistic but added the exact contents of the letter were not yet known.

In November 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency placed the Town of Fort Myers Beach on probation from the National Flood Insurance Program due to unresolved issues related to “unsafe structures in a high-hazard flood zone.” This probation resulted in losing a 25% discount on flood insurance premiums previously enjoyed by residents under the Community Rating System Class 5 rating. At the same time, FEMA notified Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita and Unincorporated Lee County that they could all keep their discount. Fort Myers Beach was also told they would be put on probation for at least one year.

Mayor Allers, along with Town Manager Andy Hyatt and Town Attorney Nancy Stuperich, recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to engage directly with FEMA officials. Allers described the meeting as highly productive, stating, “We got much further in that two-hour meeting than we’ve ever gotten when we’ve been up there. Until this meeting, they [FEMA representatives] just sat listening, nodded, and sent us on our way. This time it was a very good back-and-forth conversation. They agreed with most of what we told them.”

A significant clarification emerged from these discussions: contrary to information previously provided by FEMA’s Atlanta office, which indicated that a community must wait two years after coming off probation before reapplying for CRS discounts. The Washington office clarified that this is not the case. This revelation could expedite the process for Fort Myers Beach to regain its flood insurance discounts once compliance is achieved.

Mayor Allers concluded by expressing hope that the town could be removed from probation “if not instantly, as soon as possible,” signaling a potential return to favorable insurance rates for residents in the near future.


  1. We lost our discount from Allers/council not meeting requirements. Now if we get it back early Dan will be a hero?

    Since Dan says they were not telling him what FEMA wanted and we were the only town/city that FEMA was supposedly doing this to, then we demand we hear an explanation from FEMA. Kristi Noem is in charge of FEMA now so maybe she has a costume she can wear and make a video on FMB and get us answers.

  2. That’s it? That’s all he had to say?
    Another photo op, no news.
    What did FEMA tell you Dan? What did you tell FEMA?
    Why haven’t you shared details of that expensive meeting with your constituents?
    When will you?

  3. FEMA has enough trouble w Trump up their arses! They better start stepping up or they’ll all be looking for another job.

  4. This is the most positive news letter in a while. Lots of fun things happening on the beach. Positive help for the residents. We are definitely on the upswing. I hope this will also help our citizens who are living on their own property in their mobile homes while they get their personal problems resolved. Nothing but blue skies 👍


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