Woman’s Club Hits Parade Home Run


2025 was the first year the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club ran the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and everyone who came out to line Estero Boulevard said it was the best St. Patrick’s Day Parade ever.

It’s been years since the parade was held thanks to multiple hurricanes. The parade gave a much needed charge to the south end of the island which has been slowly coming back to life after Hurricane Ian hammered Santini Plaza and nearly every condo building.

The Woman’s Club added a party to the event which was held on their property on Sterling Avenue which included live music from Briz & Lady, a VIP tent and food trucks.

Barb Mezeske and Deb Nelson co-chaired the parade and party for the Woman’s Club. President Dawn Thomas said she’s very proud of how hard the two co-chairs worked to pull off the event. “We were so thrilled with everyone who participated and those who came to enjoy the parade. We look forward to making the St. Paddy’s day parade a continued yearly event for Fort Myers Beach.”
Mezeske added, “Being 1st-time parade co-chairs, there was definitely a learning curve for us, but the St. Patrick’s Day Parade & after-party were above & beyond amazing. The excitement, the anticipation, and the participation from all of the FMB Woman’s Club volunteers, resident islanders, their families & friends, and visitors from everywhere went far beyond our expectations. Looking forward to next year.”

Nelson told Beach Talk Radio she remembers a night two months ago when her co-chair Barb and her were talking about how much they missed the St. Patrick’s Day parade. “And before you know it, we found ourselves planning the parade. We were excited when the registrations came flowing in…..and were totally blown away when we saw all the bystanders on Estero Boulevard watching and cheering. The bow on the package was the turn out for the after party. I cried a few happy tears. The people of Fort Myers Beach truly love their island and it was evident on Saturday. However, Barb and I could not have done it without the amazing help from our volunteers from The Woman’s Club and the assistance of FMB Strong working at Santini Plaza. We can’t wait to bring it back bigger and better next year. Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with us.”

Beach Talk Radio was there to broadcast the parade which you can watch HERE and check out more photos courtesy Jillian Ryan photos HERE.


  1. It was an amazing event! It just made me wish that not a parade every month of course but some type of block party at Santini once per month would be so wonderful for the South end residents as well all of the Island. Thank you for putting on a fantastic event!

    • Hi Dawn, I like your idea for block party at
      Santini’s. If you’d like to discuss your ideas ,I would like to hear them.
      We might be able to make it happen next season
      My # is716-860-7438. I live on Bay Beach Lane. Roseann ( Rosie )

  2. To those of you who think Fort Myers Beach is done, or will never be like the old days etc etc. Listen and learn. The gems of the beach are still here working hard on community events. The spirit of the beach is still here.FMB is still the best beach town in Florida. Enjoy Congrats to Barb and Deb and the women of the club .


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