Woodson Leads The Money Race


There are less than 8 weeks to go before election day. In the final days leading up to November 8th, you can expect to see a mailbox full of flyers claiming the photo of the person you see is the best candidate in the race. Those flyers cost big money. Here’s how the Fort Myers Beach town council candidates stack up in the money race.

Karen Woodson leads the money raising race with a total of $21,440. Woodson pulled in another $6,900 in August, including $1,000 contribution’s (the max an individual can give) from Eddie Rood, Alex King and Denny Shirley from MN.

John King took in $1,800 in contributions during the month of August. His total raised since announcing his candidacy is $7,600. Fort Myers Beach resident John Bennet donated $1,000 to the King campaign in August.

Ray Murphy received $550.00 in August. His biggest contribution for the month was $200.00, from long-time beach resident Ceel Spuhler. Since announcing, Murphy has received $16,050 in campaign contributions.

Patrick Romcoe contributed $100 to his own campaign in August and has pulled in a total of $936.57 for his campaign since announcing.

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