You Are Not Allowed to Rent Out Your RV


The Fort Myers Beach Town Council wants beach residents to be able to live on their property while they rebuild. Ordinance 23-05 gives residents the ability to do that. However, there’s one thing the Town Council does not want you doing…

Even if your home was once a vacation rental business bringing you income, you are not allowed to rent out an RV on your property to make up for that lost income. RV’s and trailers are only to be used for residents living on their property that are rebuilding.

On Monday, the Town Council added language to ordinance 23-05 that makes it clear renting RV’s for income is a no-no. “Temporary housing shall not be used for the purpose of placing and operating a short-term rental.” The vote to include the language was unanimous.

There are hundreds of RV’s and trailers scattered across the island as property owners rebuild or repair their homes after Hurricane Ian impacted every structure on Fort Myers Beach on September 28th 2022. The Town Council passed the ordinance to allow RV’s and trailers so residents could stay on the island, on their property, while they go through the various phases of getting back in their current home, or build a new home.



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