Your Library Could Use Your Help


The Fort Myers Beach Library needs volunteers for its big book sale this weekend. At the event, which takes place from 9AM to 2PM both Saturday and Sunday, for only $15.00 you can fill a grocery bag up with as many books, DVD’s and CD’s as you can fit in the bag. Here’s what the library needs help with…

On Thursday, November 18 – Only if you are able to do a little heavy lifting. The library needs a group of volunteers to set up tables and place boxes of books next to the tables. They do have a dolly to help; however there will be some lifting. Set up will begin at 9:30 a.m.

On Friday, November 19 – Beginning at 9:30, the library will start putting books out on the tables. This will not require lifting. Even if you can help for an hour, it would be helpful.

On Sunday, November 21 – 1:45 – Volunteers are needed to box the books as well as some lifting from those who are able to get the boxes back in storage and take the tables down.

If you can volunteer to help the library, contact Jan at