2020-2021 Budget Approved


The millage rate adopted by the Fort Myers Beach town council for the 2021-2022 budget was .9500 per $1,000 of assessed property value. That’s exactly what the millage rate is for the current year but should net the town a little more revenue due to the increase in property values.

By law every Florida municipality must consider what is called a roll-back rate. The roll-back rate for Fort Myers Beach was .9096 per $1,000. The roll-back rate is the millage rate a government entity would approve that would generate the same total revenue as the previous year.

The 2021 tax assessment roll for the town shows a total taxable value of real and personal property in the amount of $3.8 billion which is up from $3.7 billion in 2020 and close to the record levels of 2007 ($3.9 billion) and 2006 ($3.8 billion) before the housing market collapsed.

As a result of the .9500 millage rate approved, while it’s the same as the current year, some resident may pay slightly more in taxes due to the rise in property values. The town council was also considering an increase to .9900 per $1,000 of assessed property value. That’s when the wheeling and dealing began.

Vice Mayor Hosafros made a motion to keep the millage rate as is if the parking fees were raised from $3.00 to $5.00 per hour and vacation rental application fees were hiked from $50 to $300. She also wanted the money for community policing removed and $25,000 for security cameras added.

In the end Hosafros’ motion was supported by Murphy and Veach with Allers and Atterholt opposed and the millage rate was approved, followed by the budget which begins October 1st.

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