2022 Sanibel Parking Permits Available Monday


Starting Monday the City of Sanibel will be selling their 2022 annual parking passes. Both residents and non-residents are eligible to purchase the passes. Here are the annual rates…

• Resident “A” $14 Taxpayer/Property Owner
• Restricted “AC” $113 Resident
Restricted “B” $300 Non-Resident/Non-Property Owner
(non-resident/non-taxpayer annual parking permit that is valid at most of the public beach parks and several decal only lots)
Restricted “BC” $399 Non-Resident/Non-Property Owner
(same usage as “B” in addition to the City of Sanibel Boat Ramp which accepts “AC” and “BC” parking permits)

Residents need to bring a current vehicle registration or lease agreement for each vehicle they wish to purchase a permit for, and proof of residence.

Acceptable proof of residency or property ownership are:
• Driver’s License with a Sanibel address
• A valid government issued photo identification card with a Sanibel address
• Lee County Voter Registration Card with a Sanibel Address
• Tax Bill with the Homestead Exemption for the Sanibel property, the property
owner owns
• Tax Bill with the Property Ownership on Sanibel
• Notarized Declaration of Domicile Listing a Sanibel Residence

The city strongly encourage residents prepare by filling out an application online HERE where you can also see a map of all the city’s parking areas.

Permits can be picked up at the Sanibel Recreation Center, located at 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road.

Daily, weekly, semi-annual and annual memberships are available. Permits may be purchased via cash, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Visa or check.