Sanibel Swimming in Hatchlings


Turtle Time reports that as of the end of this week, there are now 107 nests on Fort Myers Beach (up from 106 last week). There have also been 154 false crawls on Fort Myers Beach, up from 148 last week. Turtle Time also reports that 1 nest was disoriented.

Here’s how Fort Myers Beach stacks up against the other beaches.

SCCF reports Sanibel now has a total of 568 nests, up from 561 last week.

On the east end of Sanibel there are now 93 nests (up from 90), from which 694  hatchlings have emerged (up from 223 last week). East has had 149 false crawls, the same as last week. No increase.

On the west end there now 475 nests (up from 471 last week), from which 8,767 hatchlings have emerged (up from 6,067 lat week). West has had 522 false crawls, up from 514 last week.

Captiva now has 205 nests (up from 196 last week) from which 3,063 hatchlings have emerged (up from 1,841 last week). There have been 346 false crawls, up from 335 a week ago.

Bonita Beach now has 281 nests (up from 275 last week) and 254 false crawls (up from 247 last week). 42 nests have hatched and 3,041 hatchlings have emerged.

Remember, only 1 to 4 hatchlings out of a thousand hatchlings survive to adulthood. They are part of the food chain in the ocean; therefore, we need to get as many as possible into the ocean: No deposit-No return. Disorientations can be catastrophic to sea turtle conservation. Keep your lights off, close your drapes, fill your holes and do not leave garbage on the beaches.


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