7 Property Owner Put On Notice By Town


Those 7 property owners now have 2 months to come into compliance, which means clean up their properties, or face the consequences. If their structures are not demolished before the clock runs out, the town will knock them down.

Putting up fences or mowing the lawn is no longer good enough. The town has put a legal process in place to start knocking structures down. To recoup the taxpayer dollars the town has to spend to demolish any structures, the cost will be placed on the property owners tax bill.

Only 2 properties on this most current list were on the original list of 10 we reported on back on June 7th. Those two properties are 7955 Estero Boulevard (a home) and 1901 Estero Boulevard (the old Hoosiers restaurant building). The other 5 on this list are brand new.

We’ve been following 3 structures from the original June 7th list closely. 7945 Estero Boulevard was put on the list by mistake. That home had already been permitted and repairs were underway. 2401 Estero (a t-shirt shop business) was demolished one day before the list came out. And, 6555 Estero (The Dolphin Inn) was recently demolished.

According to the town, the other 5 property owners on the original list “took it upon themselves to come into compliance before we got to this stage in the process. That could be starting the demo process by obtaining a permit or fully demolishing the structure.”

The town wants every out-of-compliance property owner on the island to either explain what part of the demo process they are in or explain why they’ve done nothing to clean up their mess. Residents, who’ve gone through the process of cleaning up their property, also want to see more being done to clean up abandoned lots.

The properties on the original June 7th list that are no longer being chased down by the town are: 2310 Estero (The Neptune Inn), and 4 homes; 110 Egret, 7831 Estero, 8211 Estero and 8297 Estero.

The 5 new properties on the town’s radar, that have been red-tagged, include 159/161 Old San Carlos Boulevard. Many will know that building as the Tropical Sunset building. That building suffered an accidental fire in July of 2022 near the roof that was never repaired. A few months later Ian finished the job.

Another structure Fort Myers Beach residents will be familiar with is 131/133 Estero, the dilapidated house across from the Pink Shell. It’s a house that is shockingly still standing somehow and wasn’t in great shape before the storm. Back in March the owner of the house submitted an application to the town to build a 7-story 12-unit resort building.

The application includes a swimming pool and rooftop amenities. The building would be 90 feet above Base Flood Elevation. The most recent communication between the property owner and the town was July 12th where the town sent an insufficiency letter. The town also received a letter of opposition from residents at Pink Shell Villas.


The 3 other new properties on the list are all residences; 4903 Estero Boulevard, 139 Chapel street and 100 Washington street.


  1. I have nothing but sympathy for people affected by Ian. I fully understand that it may not be possible to repair a home by now (look how long it took the town to clear the old town hall – and they have $millions). However, it is now time that property owners at least tidy up the mess, cut the lawns, seal up or remove derelict houses. Our house is a long way from being finished – for various reasons which many people have highlighted (lack of reasonably priced contractors, insurance issues, etc), but we keep the land tidy and have pest control. Unfortunately, properties around us are in a state and the level of rats and iguanas are getting out of hand. Trashing out, tidying the yard, and controlling pests after 2 years should be done by now. But whatever we do we do need to be sensitive particularly to those who are being squeezed out of their homes by increasing taxes and the cost of rebuilding what was their home.

  2. It’s time to clean up the Island. I am an owner. I’m tired of seeing the mess left unattended and the excuses why it isn’t happening. (fema, insurance, permitting, lack of funds & help etc) it’s not fair to the individuals who did the right thing and see our property values decline because who wants to live here looking at so many abandoned properties. The city needs to tag all properties, not a handful, and get this process moving forward.

  3. 7-10 properties at a time. This will take decades..
    “Putting up fences or mowing the lawn is no longer good enough.” Except if you are the Wyndam…

  4. I was sick with bronchial issues for a good part of last winter. I am sure it was from the mold in the air from the two properties next to me that had not been touched. The pools were just disgusting and had not been attended to for almost two years. Enough is enough!!

  5. The town has never been very good over the years at seriously going after property violators ignoring its codes. Hell, this council has offered to forgive the more than $2 million in fines and town code enforcement expenses a single property violater ran up for years ignoring his responsibility to obey town codes.
    Years ago another property owner, a real estate client of the then-mayor’s wife, ran up fines and town code enforcement expenses totaling $75,000 and that council settled for a mere $8,000.
    The real question here is why has this council allowed so many violators to ignore for nearly two years their responsibilities? And how much in town expenses in tracking them will it be willing to recover now?

  6. DITTO to the above comment from Eric, it’s truly a snails pace and lack of enforcement makes living here ghetto! Properties or land that are valued in the $500K to millions of dollars that are too cheap to pay a landscape company to keep the property looking decent until it sells or whatever, is pathetic!!

  7. Why isn’t the town going after overgrown vacant lots as well?? There are so many that are harboring rats, iguanas, etc. Before the storm, I had to maintain my lot monthly or I was fined. Now, lots are being ignored, and owners aren’t being held accountable for lack of maintenance. Doesn’t seem fair.

    And why only 7 red tags??? Why not red tag all the derelict properties? Let’s get the recovery process going fast….not the snail’s pace it’s at now!

    • Agree with you Eric. Additionally to overgrown lots there are many huge dead trees on these lots that pose a risk to surrounding neighbors properties and nothing being done. The town should also be cracking down on the camper trailers that are being used by non owners and vacationers. Campers were supposed to be for owners use and in the rebuilding process. It’s been almost two years since the storm. If people are struggling to find a way to rebuild then they really should sell the lot and move on. The destroyed homes left standing need to be removed, they are a hazard and sends a message to potential buyers who are considering buying on the island that the area is still a wreck and is hurting the property values more than the current real estate market in general. Not many people want to buy a home among ones that are left in place destroyed. After two years since Ian, there should be no signs of destroyed properties left standing. It should be a clean slate and in the rebuilding phase.

      • If someone is struggling to find a way to rebuild they should sell and move on. smh 🤦‍♂️ if they want to keep their vacant lot, and keep paying the taxes that should up to them.
        If they don’t personally rebuild maybe a family member will in the future. Also, there is the part where you need a buyer, and one that isn’t trying lowball the owner.

        • My Mom is in this position. Can’t get workers to show up, let alone get permitted. Why would they make 20k at her house when they can make a million a block away at a condo? So she is in her camper. Almost 84 yrs old with health issues. This has been her only home for 27 yrs! She doesn’t want to leave. Her neighbors are her family!!! She owns the home outright. It’s worth piddle now. It was her dream home she worked hard her whole life as a teacher for. You are gonna kick her out? No one wants to pay what it is worth when so many are for sale! Not to mention all the people still fighting for insurance money? What is wrong with all you judgey people??? I hope karma gives you something real to bitch about. Maybe then you will gain some empathy for all the elderly and poorer people on that island that invested everything they had in their homes and businesses and were doing fine until the hurricane. Those people have VALUE! My Mom worked at Topps, the bank, the CVS, and tutored people in English for free. She was a member of the church that was destroyed. People know her and love her on that island. Because she isn’t rich, you want to get rid of her??? Maybe all of you bitching people should stop bitching and start using your money and connections and strength and go help people in her situation. Stop trying to kick good taxpaying citizens out of their homes and help them keep them! Where is your humanity??? I begged and signed up for every service and help I could find. I spent hours a day at Fema. No one can give me a reliable and fair electrician, plumber, and hvac and windows guys!! We have tried. Unless you are a contractor or have a friend that will bail you out, or are rich, you have to wait. They say they are booked out 2-3 yrs! It takes 5-10 yrs to recover from a psunami style hurricane like this. You all should have learned lessons from seeing everyone’s life destroyed in a day!!! My God. When did everyone become an entitled asshole? My poor Mom is devastated, as are many others. And this is how you people behave? You have learned NOTHING and have no idea what FMB STRONG really should mean… helping those in need!

          • Do you realize you are yelling at people and calling them “assholes” that have gone through the same thing your Mom has gone through and some have gone through worse?

            Just because home owners, after 2 yrs of dealing with all this destruction are saying that it is been long enough. We have been patient and YES we are going through this as well.

            I realize your Mom wants to stay on FMB but maybe it’s time she faces reality and finds a safer place to live. It is hurricane season and it is not safe for an 84 yr old woman to be living alone in a trailer.

            Since you are family and here neighbors are her “family” why doesn’t someone help her find electricians,etc. I know you say there are none or they are booked 2-3 yrs out but that is not true. The majority of us have been able to find electricans, plumbers, carpenters, etc and no, not all our jobs are huge. The clock is ticking and there is going to have to be a plan in place and be taking action. Time is running out and people can’t keep saying “I can’t find anyone to help me”.

            Please realize that sometimes we have to help our parents make decisions that they just don’t want to hear but her safety is really the only thing that is important here.
            Don’t be angry and scream at us. No one here deserves that.

            Maybe instead of screaming at people on this platform, how about going to “Next Door” and posting questions for names of people that your Mom needs. FEMA is not going to help you. They don’t care.

    • I totally agree the town needs to ticket any vacant lot with grass/weeds that are a foot or more tall. Let get this place cleaned up it’s been almost two years! We also had a vacant lot before Ian that was required keep cut. Can they send a notice to the property owners that they have 30 day or the town will clean/mow and put it on their tax bill? Please share any ideas that can get our town past the destruction of Ian 🙏


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