What’s Going on Here?


Lee County tells Beach Talk Radio this vessel just past the edge of the Fort Myers Beach pier is a crew completing borings as part of preparations for work on the pier project. The pier, which was wiped out by Hurricane Ian, is expected to take 5-6 years to build.

When complete the new pier will be wider than it was before Ian, stretching a total of 12 feet, compared to 8 feet before the storm, and twice as long, 1,000 feet compared to 585 feet.

The new pier will cost $17.1 million, $11 million coming from the Lee County Tourist Development Tax fund and $5.5 million from FEMA.


  1. 5-6 years?! plus the 2 they already have passed. what happens if a normal c3 hurricane comes while they’re building it? add more years on to the project?

  2. Everybody who has there panties in a wad over homes on the Island not being touched should be screaming about 5-6 years for a pier to be rebuilt. Design phase over a year.


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