Kudos To The FMB Parade Organizers


(By John King) WOW! That’s all I can think of to say about what a GREAT experience it was to walk in the Fort Myers Beach 4th of July Parade.

It all started with Danielle Felton with FMB Parks & Recreation staff. Danielle was such a pleasure to work with when the King For Council campaign decided to participate in the festivities. She was always so quick to respond to questions and provided the necessary expertise.

The King Crew, who walked with us, was such a great group. When they heard we were walking the parade, everyone enthusiastically wanted to be a part of it.

The Parade staff was so well organized, professional and so very nice that morning. I let Danielle know how well this event was run and I wanted those who read this to know it as well.

I was overwhelmed by how many people lined the parade route. They were all festively dressed and in the holiday spirit. Everyone who received candy or a dog treat was so appreciative. It was wonderful to hear the crowd demonstrate their love of Country.

There were so many people who shared words of encouragement for our campaign.

It was fun to share with the Beach Talk Radio crowd when Ed & Kim flagged me down on the parade route. Thank you both for all that you do for our Town.

Thank you to the wonderful staff at Paw-Radise Estero who donated the parade dog treats.

A BIG Thank You to the Fort Myers Beach community for the warm – in so many ways – welcome to the King For Council campaign.

John R. King
Candidate for Town Council
Visit John’ election website HERE.
Donate to his campaign HERE.
Contact John by e-mail at mauijrking@gmail.com

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