18,000 Views and Counting


The new Margartitaville resort on Fort Myers Beach will not be open for another 14 months, however, the interest in the construction progress of the resort is off the charts. Our video of the resort under construction has now been viewed over 18,000 times.

TPI’s Tom Torgerson took us inside the construction area for a tour that we broadcast live on our Facebook page Saturday morning at 7:30. Tom took us through every floor, showed us the ballroom, took us out on the terrace, walked us through the restaurants and guest rooms, and detailed exactly where the massive swimming pool will be built.

Tom also gave us the details on the number of parking spaces that will be under the resort, the number of bathrooms open to the public, walked us through the lobby, showed us the view guests will have of the sunset, the Gulf and Times Square.

The tour took an hour and you can watch it HERE.

Our next live broadcast from the resort will be in September when they drop in the pedestrian bridge over Estero Boulevard.

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