You Can Dispute Your Property Appraisal


By now you know how much the value of your home increased over the last 12 months. And that also means you will most likely have to pay more in taxes. If you’d like to dispute that increase, here’s how…

A free informational seminar is being held at 2 p.m. on August 31st at the Cape Coral Lee County Public Library.

The session will help customers learn how to file an online petition with the Clerk’s Value Adjustment Board. The seminar will also cover the different types of petitions available and the steps in the process.

Lee County Clerk of the Courts and Comptroller Kevin Karnes said, “As property values continue to rise in Lee County, homeowners may be concerned about the assessed values listed on their TRIM notices. The Value Adjustment Board gives property owners an opportunity to try to resolve their disputes.”

To register for the event or view upcoming seminars, visit The Cape Coral Lee County Public Library is located at 921 SW 39 Terrace in Cape Coral.

For deadlines, to file a petition, or to learn more about the Value Adjustment Board, visit