‘Ding’ Darling Announces Free Day


Saturday, September 24th is National Public Lands Day, which includes refuges, parks, and other green spaces protected by the federal government. The J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel is hosting free activities that day and waiving the admission fees to Wildlife Drive.

Here’s the schedule of free activities for the day:
7 a.m.-7 p.m. Free admission to Wildlife Drive

8:30 a.m. Morning Mindfulness at the Observation Tower on Wildlife Drive; pre-register at DingDarling.Eventbrite.com

9 a.m.-4 p.m. Self-guided Scavenger Hunt with prizes; check in at the Visitor & Education Center front desk

10-11 a.m. Educational nature programs in the Visitor & Education Center Classroom

12:30 p.m. International Color Blindness Awareness Month promotion in partnership with EnChroma in the Visitor & Education Center Auditorium. (Year-round, the Refuge serves the colorblind population with a colorblind scope at the Observation Tower and loaner pairs of colorblind sunglasses at the reception desk.)

1- 3 p.m. Artist in Residence Artist Reception featuring Jacqui Roch in the Visitor & Education Center Auditorium with refreshments