Library Board Votes to Reduce Proposed Increase


Fort Myers Beach Library Director Cletus Poser had proposed a 2022-2023 budget of $1.6 million with a millage rate of .2981 per $1,000 of assessed property value. That would have been an increase from the current millage rate of .2799.

On Tuesday night the Library Board voted unanimously to approve a millage rate of .2851, not as high as what Power was looking for, but still an increase.

Revisions will now need to be made to the proposed budget to make the numbers work before the fiscal year begins on October 1st.

The final public hearing on the budget is September 27th at 5:45 PM.

The Fort Myers Beach Library is its own taxing district on Fort Myers Beach. That means, you will see a separate millage line for the Library on your taxes.

The proposed 2022-2023 budget for $1.6 million can be viewed HERE.
The final 2021-2022 budget was $1.4 million. You can see that budget HERE.

Payroll expenses in the proposed 2022-2023 budget would have gone from $510,000 to $635,000.

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