Feds Turn Their Back on Fort Myers Beach Again


A hearing is being held at Lakes Library on August 10th at 10AM called: “Weathering the Storm: Oversight of the Federal Response and Recovery Efforts in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ian.” There are no representatives from Fort Myers Beach on the panels.

Fort Myers Beach was ground zero for Hurricane Ian. Ten months later the struggles for local residents continue with permitting issues, debris removal, home demolition, rising construction costs and so many other issues. Fort Myers Beach residents were given a giant FEMA runaround with the trailer issue in the early months after the storm. Fort Myers Beach property values have declined over 40% thanks to Hurricane Ian. And, it took 10 months for the government to finally agree that Town Hall should be demolished. When we asked a committee staff member why someone from Fort Myers Beach was not on a panel we were told “the Fort Myers Mayor is on panel #2.” Of course we had to explain that there was a difference between Fort Myers and Fort Myers Beach.

The hearing is being held by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Congressman Byron Donalds is a member of the Oversight Committee. We understand Mayor Dan Allers will be giving the committee a tour of Fort Myers Beach after the hearings. Get your “I Love FEMA” signs ready everyone

The hearing is open to the public. We will carry the hearing live.

Here’s who will be speaking:
On panel #

  • Brett Howard, Federal Coordinating Officer for Hurricane Ian (Apr. 2023 – Present), Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • Thomas McCool, Federal Coordinating Officer for Hurricane Ian (Sept. 2022 – Apr. 2023), Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Francisco Sánchez, Jr., Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience, Small Business Administration
  • Marion McFadden, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development

On panel #2
– Brian Hamman, Chairman, Lee County Board of Commissioner
– Chauncey Goss, Resident, Sanibel, FL
– Kevin Anderson, Mayor, Fort Myers, FL



  1. Why isn’t the FMB City Council taking a proactive approach? Did they not know the Feds had planned such a meeting? Where is the interview with our Mayor promising that he will address this oversight. Getting to be real chumps here on FMB.

  2. FEMA is a 4 letter word…

    They are into this hope and change thing – as in promising hope and handing out spare change. Still, they did put out a couple of hundred a nite / room for their people to stay at the pink shell.

  3. No help for beautiful Fort Myers Beach but they keep sending our tax dollars to Ukraine! Can you imagine how much that money could help the residents and businesses of Southwest Florida??? Shame on this administration!

  4. I suspect the majority of time will be spent discussing the wonderful, and they are wonderful, things happening in Harlem Heights.

  5. the joke key word for the name of Committee is Accountability. And why can a resident of Sanibel be on panel and not a single bit of representation from FMB someone needs answer that question… Our Mayor on FMB needs to stop whatever he is doing and take action!! Come on step up Dan ! You’re a nice guy.. but we need to see strength!!

  6. honestly FEMA and all the other government agencies including most of the people working??? Town of FMB government, could care less about the residents of FMB the fact that there is no representation. is disgraceful ..but really do we expect more of morons????

  7. What do you expect from a bunch of Democrats from DC.Their leader was here .and all he could say was No one Fuks.with the Bidens.even as they were still finding bodies 100 ft away.

  8. At a MINIMUM, Dan Allers should be included on panel #2 and EVERYONE on panel #1 should be REQUIRED to listen to the panel #2 discussion in it’s entirety.

  9. Fema is on the beach in Delaware in a deep sleep. It’s horrible how FMB has been treated. And don’t forget the insurance adjuster who spoke to the media how his replacements costs were reduced in half. This should not happen in the USA. Get on the bus, it’s time to wake them up.

  10. I am so very confused by all of this. Are they purposely trying to avoid having a real truthful and honest conversation? It makes them appear to be confrontational and disinterested. My heart is breaking for FMB..

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