More than 45 years of observing and photographing the antics, behaviors, and idiosyncrasies of wild birds has resulted in Budd Titlow’s book Bird Brains: Inside the Minds of our Feathered Friends. He will share his tales, photos, and videos during two lectures at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island Thursday, Feb. 27.
His free lectures take place in the Visitor & Education Center Auditorium starting at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., part of the 2025 “Ding” Darling Lecture Series. Book-signings follow both lectures.
Titlow’s book results from his 40 years as a professional wildlife biologist and shares stories of 100 selected species of birds from personal experiences, supplemented by anecdotal information from other serious birders. While the book is not intended to be a field guide, it provides thoughtful and often humorous insights on birds from Florida to the Galapagos Islands.
“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS) co-hosts Titlow’s lectures, part of a seven-lecture series, along with the refuge and sponsored by a Friend of the “Ding” Darling. Note: Opinions expressed in guest lectures do not necessarily reflect the views of refuge and DDWS management, staff, and board of directors. Learn more about the lecture series at
Seating for the free lectures is limited on a first-come basis. Early arrivals can check in after 9 a.m. for the morning lecture and 12 p.m. for the afternoon and obtain a free entrance wristband so they can explore the Visitor & Education Center or Wildlife Drive and trails before the lecture starts. Saved seats must be filled 15 minutes before lecture time or risk being reassigned.