Town Staff to Manage Mooring Field Services


While the restrooms facilities, the dock, trash, water and laundry for mooring field residents will continue to be provided by Matanzas, the Fort Myers Beach town staff will take over management of those services from Matanzas next month.

The announcement was made this week and the change will go into effect October 1st. The Town Council recently approved a new deal with Matanzas to continue to provide the services as the town continues to search for its own location on the beach to house the services.

The town will also lease office space from Harbour House on Old San Carlos Boulevard for staff to manage the mooring field services.

The Town of Fort Myers Beach currently operates a 70-slip mooring field east of Matanzas Pass Bridge and is planning to expand the mooring field to add an additional 19 moorings west of Matanzas Pass Bridge accommodating vessels up to a length of 85 feet.

The town has been looking at options to take all the services in-house and is planning to expand the mooring field. With property limited on Fort Myers Beach, the town has been struggling to find a permanent home for the restrooms, laundry facilities, trash and water, so they can take everything in house.

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