‘Ding’ Darling Day at Lakes Park Postponed


Due to federal COVID-19 restrictions the 33rd annual “Ding” Darling Day at Lakes Park in Fort Myers scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 10, has been postponed until spring 2022.

“Public health and safety are at the forefront of our concerns,” said Toni Westland, supervisory refuge ranger of the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, which was to host the event along with the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS), Tarpon Bay Explorers, local conservation partners, and community sponsors. “We regret the necessity to change plans, but with recent spikes in coronavirus cases locally, we do not feel comfortable risking a crowd, regardless of the fact that we carefully planned an outdoor, distanced event this year.”

The rescheduled spring 2022 “Ding” Darling Day will have a Conservation Carnival theme, as earlier planned. Watch dingdarlingday.com for the new date and more details.

The “Ding” Darling Day Amateur Nature Photography Contest has been extended to an Oct. 15 deadline. Winners will be announced Nov. 15. For more information, contact Sierra Hoisington at shois@dingdarlingsociety.org or 239-472-1100 ext. 4.