COVID Cases Continue Downward Trend


On Monday Lee Health reported that they’ve been discharging more COVID-19 patients than it has admitted. They are also treating the fewest number of pediatric COVID patients since August 19th. There are now 423 COVID-19 patients in Lee Health hospitals.

Lee Health President & CEO Dr. Larry Antonucci said over the last week, the number of COVID-19 patients being treated at Lee Health has trended downward and he’s optimistic that the community is recovering from the Delta variant surge. “While this is promising, we are still treating more COVID-19 patients than we were during last summer’s peak. I am grateful for the compassionate work of frontline health care workers as they continue to care for their patients as we persist in our battle against the pandemic. While this trend provides hope, we have not finished the fight. Our overall patient census remains at record highs, and hundreds of patients are suffering from COVID in our hospitals today. The best thing you can do to prevent another devastating wave of COVID-19 is to get vaccinated if you haven’t already done so.”

Lee Health offers COVID-19 vaccines for anyone 12 and older at its walk-in Community Vaccination Clinic, located inside Gulf Coast Medical Center. It’s open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and there is no cost for the vaccine.