Important Water Meeting is Today


On Tuesday the U.S. Army Corps is holding a public meeting to discuss the optimization modeling of the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual. They are going to explain how they modified the plan that was chosen to manage the lake for the next decade. The meeting runs from 1PM to 5PM

LOSOM Project Manager Tim Gysan said, “While we will present our evaluation, as we have done throughout the LOSOM process, we also look forward to hearing from our Project Delivery Team and stakeholders about the outcomes of their evaluations. We ask that everyone come prepared to discuss their interpretation of the modeling dataset. We also welcome feedback on the evaluation we are presenting, and where the Corps is leaning on the optimized schedule. We will consider everything we hear and come back with an announcement on November 2 on the final decision for the optimized preferred lake schedule.”

Gysan added, “I also want to remind everyone that the final preferred operating plan for Lake Okeechobee encompasses more than just lines on a plot, it’s the details that support those lines in the everyday decision-making guidance. We appreciate the participation in the operational guidance workshops held in September and all the great feedback we have received. After we make a decision on the optimized lake schedule, we will come back to the PDT in early December to talk in detail about the schedule and operational guidance that will be documented in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and the Water Control Plan.”

The release of the draft EIS for public comment is scheduled for April 2022, the release of a final EIS by August of 2022, and a Record of Decision in December of 2022, so that we have the plan ready to implement as soon as the Herbert Hoover Dike Rehabilitation is complete at the end of 2022.

You can watch the meeting on the 26th HERE.
To listen, call 1-844-800-2712 or 1-669-234-1177 Access Code: 1997788788

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