A St. Peter Lutheran Rebuild Update


St. Peter Lutheran Church Council President Dr. Jason Kurtz gave the congregation an update on the rebuild of the church located at 3751 Estero Boulevard. You may recall the breezeway building was demolished last month. Here’s where they are on their rebuild…

According to Kurtz a contract has been executed with Valco Contracting to begin the process to repair the building that is still on the property. He says the repair of the flooring in the sanctuary has already begun and plumbers will start by the end of the week.

A contract with GSD Construction Services has been signed for a new metal roof. Materials are being ordered and the tear off and dry-in should be started within two weeks.

An electrical permit should be issued any day and power will soon be restored to the building.

A completed set of construction/permit drawings for the renovations to the St. Peters Lutheran Sanctuary have been finished.

The cross from Lau Hall was salvaged during demolition and will be installed at the top of the sanctuary building. Kurtz said, “We’re hoping that the cross will be a beacon of hope from its new location in a short two weeks.”

The church continue to hold regular Sunday service under a tent with an average weekly attendance of over 75 people.



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