Adult Video Arcade To Be Considered


A public hearing will be held Monday for Suzie Bahan’s proposed Adult Video Arcade at 185 Old San Carlos. Bahan is also asking for approval to sell beer and wine. The location is within 500 feet of Lynn Hall Park which, if approved, would require a deviation from the Land Development Code.

Last month the LPA recommended denial by a vote of 5-0. The town’s Land Development Code is silent on this type of business. Bahan has the right to take the issue to the town council, which she is doing Tuesday.

LPA member Jane Plummer questioned whether an adult video arcade was something that fit into what Fort Myers Beach represents especially if it’s advertising itself as a “family island.” She said the arcade would do better “on the other side where the adult activities are.”

The town staff has recommended approval of the business, including consumption of beer and wine, with these conditions:
1. The consumption on premises is only valid in conjunction with a retail sales operation within the same business.
2. No amplified music or entertainment unless within an entirely enclosed building. All activities are subject to the Town’s noise ordinance.
3. No outdoor seating or consumption of alcohol beyond the footprint of the existing enclosed structure.
4. Any violation of the conditions of approval shall render the special exception null and void.

Last month LPA member Patrick Vanasse said a decision on the arcade was a policy decision because it does not fit the definition in the code and should be made by the town council.

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