Atterholt Working on Second Insurance Village


After over 220 Fort Myers Beach residents attended the Insurance Village event at Diamondhead earlier this month, Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt is working on organizing a second event for the community.

Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis’ office said if the demand for another Insurance Village is there, another one can be arranged. The Vice Mayor believes the demand is there. “The format provided by the Insurance Village was excellent. Many of our residents, for the first time, were given an opportunity to talk with a decision maker within the insurance company—with a state regulator in essence looking over their shoulder. Although this communication was long overdue from the insurance companies, it was very helpful.  As the word spreads to others on our island, clearly there is more than enough demand for another Insurance Village on Fort Myers Beach. I had a chance to personally speak with the state CFO and Insurance Commissioner to thank them for this event and respectfully encouraged them to do more. I have already conveyed to their staff that another Insurance Village would be a good step in that direction.”

According to Patronis’ office over $1.4 million in unsettled claims were given back to policy holders on Fort Myers Beach.

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