Property Owners May Be Eligible For Grant Money 


Financial assistance through FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program might be available for Fort Myers Beach property owners. The program helps both property owners and business owners rebuild homes.

Because the president has declared Hurricane Ian to be a major disaster and because the Town participates in FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program, the Town can receive these grants to administer to eligible and interested property owners. The funding comes from FEMA and is managed by the Florida Department of Emergency Management.

Property owners do not apply for or receive these funds directly, but they are administered through the Town. The Town must have at least 50 interested applicants before this program can be implemented, and property owners need to submit a preliminary interest application.

The deadline for interest applications is April 10, 2023. Fill out applications of interest at this link:

Projects that are available for consideration:

Elevation: This program may pay for part of elevating a structure above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in compliance with the Town’s ordinance.

Acquisition: The Town would purchase the property with FEMA funding.

Mitigation Reconstruction: The existing home would be demolished and a new, elevated home would be constructed, using FEMA funding.

For more information GO HERE.

Please note: there is no guarantee that work will be performed by submitting an interest application and there is no obligation to participate by submitting a form.  All local requirements must be met before participation is approved.