Best Western Hoping For an Early 2024 Open


That’s what Managing General Partner of The Best Western Tim Malbon told us Saturday morning when he gave us a tour of his heavily damaged resort on Fort Myers Beach.

Sharon Faircloth from Holiday Water Sports also joined us for the tour. Holiday Water Sports has operated from The Best Western for 30 years. A lot of the Holiday Water Sports equipment that was being stored on the Best Western property was swept away by the storm, according to Faircloth. They were able to save their wave runners, which were moved off the beach. Faircloth told us she expects to open at two other locations some time in the near future.

Tim showed us the damage Hurricane Ian did to the interior and exterior of his property. He explained how he plans to rebuild, how long he expects the rebuild to take and what his customers will see when they reopen in early 2024.

This Saturday morning at 8AM we’ll be taking a tour of The Pink Shell resort


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