Here’s Your Fresh Coat of Paint


The bus stop area between Andre Mar Drive and Connecticut on Estero Boulevard is now a testing location for Lee County to see how these red and green painted areas will help bicyclists and vehicles co-exist safely together.

With a rebuilt Estero Boulevard that includes new, smooth, wide bike lanes for nearly the entire stretch, there are more people riding bikes than ever before. There are also vehicles driving at a faster clip than they were able to when the road wasn’t so nice.

Rob Phelan from the Lee County DOT department says the county chose this “traffic conflict area” on Estero Boulevard, which includes bike lanes adjacent to a dedicated bus bay, as a demonstration project. Green paint was applied to the bike lane, red paint to the bus bay area.

Phelan says the location was selected because it presents a number of characteristics that the green bike lane markings are intended to address including helping cyclists and motorists identify areas of potential conflicts with turning vehicles. “The markings help enhance the conspicuity of the bike lanes and combined with the red bus bay paint will help reinforce the appropriate use of lanes.”

Lee County DOT will now monitor the location for use by cyclists and for performance and maintenance requirements with the goal of expanding the application to other locations on Estero Blvd.


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