Biologist Next Speaker in CROW Series


Clearwater Marine Aquarium works to protect and conserve our world’s fragile aquatic ecosystems and the threatened species that call them home. This presentation will provide an overview of Cetacean rehabilitation practices and the process of transitioning a non-releasable animal into managed care.

The program begin at 4:00pm and will run for about an hour.

It’s presented via Zoom and limited to 100 participants so advanced registration is required.

Admission per device is $10 plus applicable taxes and fees. To register, please visit or CROW’s Facebook page under the “Events” tab.

CROW’s 2021 Virtual Speaker Series presented by LCEC features weekly programs, offered January through April, hosting professionals from across Southwest Florida who engage, educate and entertain participants with information about local conservation initiatives. For a full schedule of presentations and topics in the series, please visit