In Case You Missed Episode #157 of BTR

Nancy Bouchard updates us on the Community Foundation fundraiser. Marine Resources Task Force members Steve Johnson and Jennifer Rusk detail the committee's new pop-up education booths. Popeye has a new business called Bike Billboards. And, Scott Allan tells us about his fundraiser at the mancaves. FACEBOOK / YOUTUBE / PODCAST

Estero Lighting Meeting To Be Held in The Dark

Wednesday's Estero Boulevard Lighting stakeholders meeting will not be open to the public. Last week, when a member of the Public Safety Committee inquired about the meeting, Public Works Director Chelsea O'Riley said, "It's not open to the public, unless (Town Manager) Roger Hernstadt chooses otherwise."

Community Foundation Auction Raises Over 10K!

The final tally from the Community Foundation's first virtual auction was $10,283 when the event concluded March 20th. 54 items were available for bidding and many people graciously opened their wallets to support the organizations mission.

Ding Scholarship Deadline Approaching

The deadline of March 31st is fast approaching for those interested in applying for The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge scholarships. These scholarships range from $1,000 to $3,000 each.

Popeye Launches Bike Billboards

Fort Myers Beach resident Mike "Popeye" Dearden has launched the first-of-its-kind mobile billboard advertising business in SWFLA. Bike Billboards is currently riding four routes, covering south Ft. Myers, Iona, and Ft. Myers Beach.

Congrats to The Lallo’s Grandson Tristan

Pete's Time Out owners John and Debbie Lallo's grandson Tristan (son of Pete's GM Tiffany) is in Virginia playing in the national finals with the Florida Eels of the U.S. Premiere Hockey League. They won their first game in the 16-team tournament Thursday night by a score of 6-1. Keep an eye on the playoffs HERE.

Community Foundation Auction Ends Tomorrow

As of 6AM this morning $8,600 has been raised through the Community Foundation online auction. The event ends tomorrow. The goal is to raise $21,000. Check out the auction website HERE and all the items HERE.

True To His Word – Town Manager Tickets Nellie’s

As we reported last week, the Town of Fort Myers Beach warned Nervous Nellie's that they were going to ticket them, on St. Patrick's Day, if they violated the town's mask mandate/social distancing ordinance. The restaurant was ticketed, but not for what you think.

Big Library Book Sale is This Weekend

Tomorrow and Sunday The Friends of The Library will be hosting a giant book sale in the Library garage. Paper grocery bags will be provided to everyone which they can fill up with books for only $10.00.

Code Enforcement Goes Undercover To Nab Business

When we received a tip last weekend that Fort Myers Beach patrol employee Roxanne Tucci put on a disguise and went undercover to catch a restaurant violating an ordinance, we didn't believe it. Well, we were wrong.

FMB Scholarship Applications Available

Every year the Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club awards scholarships to young men and women in the 33931 zip code, members of the Kiwanis Key Clubs at Cypress Lake and South Fort Myers High Schools and children of active Kiwanis members. Applications are now being accepted for those scholarships HERE.

On The Saturday Show

Mike "Popeye" Deardon joins us to discuss his new business...Bike Billboards. Also, Steve Johnson and Jennifer Rusk from the Marine Resources Task Force kick off the show at 9AM to discuss the new pop-up booth outreach program. And Scott Allan is back to tell us about his upcoming event at the Mancave. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.