Carmine Has Been a Bad, Bad Boy


The owner of the Key Estero Parking lot at 1661 Estero Boulevard, who’s snubbed his nose at the town for years over his illegal parking lot now has another issue to deal with. The town has issued a stop work order on his property accusing Naccarato of repairing his building without the proper permits.

With FEMA breathing down their necks, the last thing this Town Council needs now is for property owners to openly violate the permitting process. Naccarato was issued a stop work order last week and told to obtain the proper permits to repair his building.

Naccarato owns two of the three big retail strips on Fort Myers Beach. The other is The Sea Grape Plaza. In February 2023 Naccarato was also issued a code violation for work without a permit at The Sea Grape Plaza for rebuilding the block concrete exterior walls without a permit. That case was eventually resolved and he came into compliance.

There are no businesses in the Key Estero plaza and only the Island Pancake House appears to be close to opening in Sea Grape. The posting on the Key Estero property states that violating the stop work order is a first degree misdemeanor.

Naccarato pulled a fast one on the town with his illegal parking lot. In March he paid off $188,000 in fines (dating back years) which stopped the town’s foreclosure proceeding against him. The very next day Naccarato went right back to selling parking spaces in his lot without even applying for the special exception he needed in order to sell those spots. It was clear the fines were just his cost of doing business.

The town went right back to square one and starting the code violation process. On Tuesday, August 6th, Naccarato’s illegal parking lot case will come before Special Magistrate Monica Schmucker where actual fines can start to be levied. We understand they can also be retroactive to when the new violations began.

We will be there to carry the Special Magistrate meeting live.


  1. I like that someone is willing to take a stand against an over-reaching government. Good for him. A famous philosopher once said…

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

  2. This is what happens when there is no serious accountability for his actions. He has no reason to comply since he’s making more money than he’s paying in fines.


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