Chief Wants Flashing Light at Dangerous Crosswalk


Back on May 2nd, we reported that councilman Dan Allers was pursuing how to get a flashing light put in at the Lenell Road crosswalk. Allers heard from quite a few residents about how dangerous the intersection near Santini Plaza is. Last week Allers picked up an ally in his quest to make that intersection safer.

Fort Myers Beach Fire Chief Ron Martin told the public safety committee last week that having an emergency traffic signal at that location would be a big win for the community. Martin said that is an intersection the fire department keeps a close eye on.”We do have concerns about the risks there.” Also, Just down the street from the intersection is Fire Station 33.
Now the crosswalk at Lenell only has a sign leaving pedestrians to make the dash across the road when they think it’s safe. Allers says residents in that area would like to see a flashing beacon like the one in front of the Wyndham.

Martin wants any light or flashing beacon that might be put in at that intersection to include an override function for the Fire Department when they have to enter to the intersection and get out on a call. Martin sent a letter of support to the town council as they pursue the light with Lee County, which owns Estero Boulevard.

At one point in time this crosswalk was so busy that the town allocated money to pay a crossing guard to stop traffic and help people cross. Unfortunately, the crossing guard quit after being hit by a car.

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