Condos May Get Turtle Glass Relief


On Monday the Fort Myers Beach town council will consider a moratorium on an ordinance that was passed last year requiring all new and replacement windows use glass with an inside to outside light transmittance value of 15% or less.

The modification made to the ordinance (21-03) requires anyone who’s replacing windows, and all new construction, to install windows using the 15% or less glass. The previous percentage was 45%, which is what the state requires. The change was made to provide more protection from light for nesting sea turtles on Fort Myers Beach, and help prevent disorientations.

The ordinance change rallied condo association residents together who discovered the ordinance hampered their ability to complete window replacement projects they were in the middle of. When the projects began they were following the previous ordinance of 45%.

They also believe the new rule of 15% is overkill, that it nearly blocks all the sunlight from getting into their units during the day. If you own or rent a unit on the beach, as long as your lights are out or drapes closed so that you block light from being seen from the beach, you are in compliance with the town ordinance. When turtle hatchlings see lights there’s the potential for them to get disoriented. The natural light from the moon pulls them toward the water which is where they need to be to fight for survival. If they are pulled away from the water by lights they could get stuck under furniture or die from exhaustion trying to find their way.

Condo residents also say the 15% glass is harder to find and much more expensive. Town staff disputes that claim.

An example of 15% tint compared to no tint

On Monday, the town council will take up the discussion about the windows again. They will consider whether to implement a moratorium on the ordinance requiring the 15%. Condo owners want the moratorium to be 5 years, the Marine Resources Task Force Committee recommends 1 year. MRTF also wants there to be more tickets written for those who violate the turtle ordinance.

The town staff is recommending to the council that if they roll back the implementation of the 15% glass, property owners should be held more accountable to mitigate the light pollution. “The onus should be placed on the Condominium Associations and their property owners to develop and implement a Light Pollution Management Plan to prevent lighting violations and disorientation of nesting turtles and hatchlings. Such management plans should be a precursory condition and submitted to the town for review and approval.”

We will carry the Monday Town Council meeting live on our Facebook page.


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