County Launches Tool For Big Sanibel Project


Lee County has launched an interactive web tool for the $8.5 million Sanibel Causeway Project to provide access to information about the proposed project, including maps, plans, timelines and more in a user-friendly interface.

The project will enhance both Island A and Island B using Tourist Development Tax dollars and state funds. Contracts for the project were awarded in August 2021 and the project is estimated to be complete by summer 2024.

The interactive resource shows the shoreline improvements already underway on the Causeway Islands (Phase 1), as well as the proposed upland improvements (Phase 2). Current conceptual plans for phase 2 and a historical timeline of the project are posted on the site. Visitors may also take a survey, which can be used to provide feedback on the conceptual plans.

This project involves stabilizing portions of the shoreline at this facility, including on both Island A and Island B. Additional improvements could include the development of compacted shell designated parking areas and corresponding stormwater management areas, as well as the addition of beach sand, new restrooms on Island A, native plant landscaping and picnic pavilions. Access to existing fishing areas also will be improved.

The interactive web tool can be accessed HERE.