COVID Vaccine Arrives In Sanibel


On Tuesday, March 23rd, Sanibel’s elderly population and those who’ve been homebound or unable to get a vaccination appointment were finally able to get their shots on the island. A supply of the J&J vaccine was made available at the Sanibel Community House and 250 inoculations were provided.

Advance appointments were needed to get the shots, which were administered by Florida Department of Health personnel. Support for the vaccine operation was provided by F.I.S.H. volunteers, Community House staff and volunteers, Firemen and by Rotary Club members. All in all, it was a great example of various elements of the community coming together to serve the needs of residents.

F.I.S.H. of SanCap CEO Maggie Feiner said, “We are grateful and thankful to have been able, once again, to partner with our community to bring the vaccine to many of our islands neighbors. The Community House was the appropriate place to facilitate and administer the vaccine to residents of Sanibel and Captiva. Together we were able to assist our most vulnerable residents and others who qualified under the Governor’s executive order”.