CRAB Needs You


The Community Resource Advisory Board which is a 7 member committee has openings. In fact there may be 5 slots that need to be filled soon. Currently there are 3 vacancies and two existing members have terms set to expire next month. So, what is the Community Resource Advisory Board?

“The Community Resource Advisory Board seeks to enhance the quality of life on Fort Myers Beach by creating a vision for the community. The advisory board intends to accomplish its mission through the promotion and implementation of such community activities as public education, leadership, volunteerism, beautification, and recreation through the development and cultivation of a corps of community leaders and volunteers.”

And in order for the committee to continue to meet at least one vacancy needs to be filled.

At a recent meeting the committee discussed ways to get the word out to the public. They noticed social media outlets were being utilized by the town but members wondered what happened to the app that was developed by Becky Weber then turned over to the town.

Committee chair Summer Stockton commented “the app is already built and not being used.” Town Councilman Bill Veach said, “We have a prototype, it did require some resources going forward.”

Weber reported to Beach Talk Radio back in July that the app is gone. She said she turned it over to the town and their new marketing person is taking some of its features and building them into the town website.

Veach also presented information from the town council regarding signs that will be placed at different points of interest around town to help direct visitors.  They want to come up with an identity for each location, possibly using a different color scheme or animal theme to help people navigate around the island.

CRAB was asked to discuss several options and provide input and advice for the signs. It was placed on the agenda for the next committee meeting