CROW Speaker to Talk About Bats


The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife continues its virtual speaker series Tuesday, February 23rd with “Bats & Lubee 101 – Biology, Conservation and Education” by Brian Pope, Director for Lubee Bat Conservancy.

Attendees will learn the basics of bat biology, species that are found in Florida, and Lubee’s role in global conservation, education, and community engagement.

The conservancy is a non profit organization which was founded in 1989. It is the “only bat conservation organization in the world that houses endangered bats while maintaining active conservation and education programs.

Pope, who became director in 2011, received his BSc in Biology from Penn State University. He possess a vast amount of animal care experience and has published many articles on animal husbandry and medical management.

This virtual event will begin at 4 PM and last approximately an hour. The zoom event is limited to 100 attendees. There is a $10 plus taxes/fees per device. You can register for this interesting event at or CROW’s Facebook page under the “Events” tab.

Crow presents these discussions January- April to educate and entertain participants about a variety of conservation issues. You can find additional information about other upcoming speakers HERE.