Curfew Hours Reduced Next Week


Starting Monday, January 9th, curfew hours on Fort Myers Beach will be reduced to Midnight to 6 a.m. The curfew is now 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Residents need to be prepared to show proof of residency and visitors need to be prepared to show proof of reservations if they are traveling during the curfew hours.

For the Big Carlos Pass Bridge on the south end, contractors need to continue to adhere to the 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew.

Also starting Monday, Jan. 9, parking fees will be reinstated in select areas. Charging for parking at $5 per hour will return in the following locations:
– Under the Matanzas Pass Bridge in lots numbered 1-4;
– In the Downtown District including Old San Carlos Boulevard, Center Street, and Estero Boulevard;
– Waistina Way beach access parking lot on Estero Boulevard just south of Crescent Street.

The two-hour time limit will be removed though parking fees will continue to be collected per hour and violations will be ticketed.

Prior year resident parking passes will be honored. Residents who no longer have a prior year parking pass will be able to receive a new one once the Town’s new passes arrive and a process for distribution has been decided.


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