Do You Know How Much You Pay This Lobbyist?


Town of Fort Myers Beach residents pay Ron Book $45,000 per year (plus $5K in expenses) to lobby in Tallahassee.

Books’ contract, which is up for renewal Monday, is to provide legislative consulting services for the town before the Florida legislature, the executive branch and various regional and local governments.

According to the Florida lobbyist registration and compensation website Book’s firm had 107 clients in the first quarter of 2020 and took in $1 million in fees.

According to Book took in $2.25 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 making Book’s firm the top earner for that quarter. Drew Wilson of writes, “Pound for pound, Ron Book, Rana Brown and Kelly Mallette consistently earn more legislative lobbying fees than any other trio in the Capitol.”

Book’s daughter Lauren Book is a State Senator (D) representing Broward County

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