Donalds Lashes Out at FEMA


In his weekly roundup to constituents, Florida Congressman Byron Donalds wasn’t real happy to learn that FEMA would be taking back its trailers from residents in August. Many Fort Myers Beach residents got the runaround from FEMA when it came to the trailers. Some were approved for trailers only to be told by another FEMA rep that being that they lived in a flood zone they wouldn’t be getting the trailer after all.

Here’s what Donalds had to say…

Donalds, who represents Southwest Florida in the House of Representatives said it’s ridiculous that FEMA will be confiscating trailers in August from individuals who received emergency housing in the wake of Hurricane Ian. “We have been progressively rebuilding our community for the past seven months and now an artificial federal deadline has been imposed that will directly harm the most vulnerable people in our region. It’s 2023. We have the National Hurricane Center, we have all this technology, but then you’re going tell people trying to rebuild that they can’t keep a trailer on their property. It simply makes no sense. I am proud to stand up for the people of our region against the unending bureaucratic mess that has been FEMA’s response to Hurricane Ian.”

The statement from Donalds did not list anything specific that he might plan to do to extend the August deadline.

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