Dune Walkover Approved ….Again


Eddie Rood and Kurt Kroemer can begin to build their 293-foot wooden walkover to the beach as soon as turtle season ends. On Monday, the Fort Myers Beach Town Council voted to release the permit to the two Estero Boulevard homeowners after approving a special exception for the walkover back in March.

Town Attorney Becky Voss found it “highly unusual” for the town to grant the special exception but refuse to issue the permit. “Normally when you grant a special exception, it’s implemented. Not implementing it is problematic. There’s a decent chance there could be a lawsuit against the town for not issuing the permit.”

Rood and Kroemer’s attorney Seth Behn said he was surprised to even be attending the meeting on Monday. “Your portal says the permit is ready to be issued. We’re here for your approval to release this permit.”

The Town Council was holding the permit because the Florida Audubon Society filed a lawsuit against the town alleging the Town Council ignored its own staff and did not follow the rules of its own charter by approving the walkover. Prior to Town Council approval back in March, the Local Planning Agency voted in favor of the dune walkover by a vote of 6-1.

Nobody from the Audubon Society showed up to the Town Council meeting on Monday. Town Attorney Becky Voss said she spoke to legal council for Audubon and they told her they did not have a legal reason for the town to hold the permit.

Monday’s vote was 3-2 to release the permit. Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt and Councilman Bill Veach voted against granting the permit with Councilman John King, Councilwoman Karen Woodson and Mayor Dan Allers voting to release the permit.

Councilman King said, “It’s been six months since we voted to approve the special exception. The permit should have been issued by now.” King accused previous Town Attorney John Herin of having a personal agenda on this issue.

Estero Boulevard resident John Cameron spoke in favor of the town issuing the permit. He was not kind to the Audubon. “We are at war with the Audubon Society. They are our enemy and should be treated as such. They sit high and mighty in the New York City offices and use donated money to squash dissent. They are attempting to bully you (the Town Council), acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum because they did not get their way.”

Several of Rood and Kroemer’s neighbors spoke in favor of the permit. One person stood up in opposition.

Rood and Kroemer agreed to sign an indemnification letter holding the town harmless if they were to lose the Audubon lawsuit. They expect the walkover to be built and ready to use by January, 2024.


  1. Our Town was in a dictatorial and unmotivating work and community culture one year ago going into being hit on the nose with the greatest storm to ever make landfall in Florida. I predict, on-line comments will be very transformational in the ensuing months reflective of how dramatically that culture has been turned around and how positive and motivating with a how can I help you succeed attitude that exists today. No one person is responsible for this, but an entire village is. As a village we have made the course corrections making for great progress in year 2 of our rebuild. FMB is going to become the absolute jewel of SWFL for many reasons, and it starts with our strong Leadership TEAM and ability to work together. We have pruned out and readjusted in so many-many ways the past 12 months. It is not one step but a long series of steps that have resulted in this needed turn around. Keep the faith, we are on a great course!

  2. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, bickering and lying and twisting both facts and lies to fit all of your own little pathetic narratives.

    None of you are heroes, none of you have any shred of competence, pro or anti council, every single one of you should be shamed off the island and sent back to the conservative little hells you escaped from in the north.

    The state of the island is entirely the communities fault. BTR has failed, the councils, both the current and prior have failed, but most of all your generation has failed. You think this will be the last hurricane? That the nightmare is over? No. They will continue to pound this coast to dust, and you all deserve it. The simple fact that this story garners such attention and “firebrands” on both sides is proof your priorities are so far gone you can’t even determine what is right and wrong.

    The younger generations won’t save you.
    Your neighbors won’t save you.
    Most of all, your god won’t save you.

    The end is here and I welcome it with open arms.

    • I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties. Again, be proud of your work and sign your name. That’s the least a keyboard critic can do.

      • I’m ashamed of this decision to build a walkover in a protected habitat. It only serves the interests of a few and gives no regard to others who have interests and share our community.
        I pray that the lawsuit filed by the Audubon society will be successful in settling this matter once and for all. Hopefully that will happen before construction crews can damage this sensitive critical habitat.
        Just like the federal lawsuit claiming abuse of ADA laws after being denied his having his way.
        Look at how little space is left natural like Matanzas Pass Preserve. It’s just a sliver of what it was and it’s never coming back.
        What will there be for our future generations a raked beach of trucked in sand?
        Shame on you all for this.

      • John, first let me say thank you for being a steady hand and clear voice on this town council. Next, to add to your comment about names….because of posting my last name once and a comment about liking Trump, someone tracked me down, sliced my flag and ripped up my signs and left me a nasty note. (this was not on this forum) Then I installed cameras and would print pictures of the people vandalizing my signs and post them on a board for all to see. So some people might not want to post their last names. Clearly there are some vicious, unstable people. By election day I had 9 pictures of vandals and their cars. I can tell you that I would love to see this forum have a system that indicates if the poster is a home owner/tax payer, a renter, out of state or even out of the country. There are some VERY loud, obnoxious voices on this forum and they are not even home owners. I had one woman screeching at me and would attack every post I wrote because I was against work force housing and come to find out she didn’t even on the beach. She lived in Georgia. You can have people saying you shouldn’t be a council member because you are newer to the island yet this could be someone that lives in FM or even worse, another state. Their opinions do not matter since they can’t even vote. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be able to post their “opinion” but if they are not paying taxes and own a home on FMB then they need to have a badge that indicates that. When people are commenting on things that involve our taxes, our council members or changes on our island, they should only be home owners voices that matter. Thank you again John. I voted for you last election and I will vote for you again.

    • You’re filled with a bitterness that is eating at your soul. In the meantime, what have you done? You’re part of “our” generation, too.

    • I don’t know who you are “Pete” but holy smokes, who pissed in your cereal bowl? I think you have the honor of posting the most negative, ignorant, classless, disrespectful, hateful, belligerent comments I’ve ever seen posted on an article. Eat a pill and calm yourself, you should be embarrassed and ashamed for yourself.

  3. This council is do much better than the previous. They also got thrown into a devastating storm that no one would be prepared to handle. I believe they have done a good job. Now going forward if they stick with height limits and population density limits we will be ok.

  4. Bill Veach, on our side? Delusions you are. This guy needs to move on or at least build Work Force Housing at his former yellow migrant cottages. No one is more ill suited to be on the council and hope he joins his former comrades that have moved on. This guy is vintage Midwest liberal. Always the naysayer on the council. Please let us know who is up for reelection before it is too late! The mayor and out our new council are the best and dealing with the unknown as can be expected. Looking forward to seeing you on the ballot Roran we need another naysayer and comrade in arms to join Veach.

  5. I just walked the south end beach . It has totally changed since this issue started. Almost all the mangroves between the ponds and the gulf are gone. A regular high tide comes very high on the remaining beach. When the berm is built, and sand is put out 250 yards in front of Leonardo how will the shoreline change. The water has to go somewhere. Will the beach in front the dune walkover be washed away. There already is an old dock on the beach that was a walkway TO the beach but has ended up ON the beach. Leonardo had one too. I am thinking give them 5 years and a sea wall might be more appropriate than a walkover.

    • I walked this morning as well and your comment is not wrong, except the reference that the walkover will be washed away. I would be glad to share the sand movement studies we did during the permit process. The accretion near the walkover has only been growing.

      • Go ahead and build your bridge, when the Audubon wins their case you will have to take it down yourself. The Audubon has deeper pockets than you do and now you made them angry. Angry rich birds are coming for ya, and your bridge. Chirp Chirp

  6. Roran, I was a member of BORCAB for 3 years and then the LPA for two years prior to running for Town Council. It was because of that experience and my lack of belief in the “previous leadership” that I ran for an open seat on the Council and won by a huge majority, I might add. I have never been a person that sits back and complains, but rather gets involved to promote change for the better. We have an election coming up in 2024 with 3 seats available. Who will accept the challenge?

  7. Town Council has been doing shady stuff since the hurricane happened. Allers is incompetent, Woodson and King are inexperienced, and Aterholt always agrees with the majority. Thanks councilman Veach for being the only councilman that is always 100% for the island.

    Ed will take this down, he doesn’t like me talking bad about his best buddy Mayor Allers. Oh, but everything else is usually the Towns fault. But dont blame the guy in charge of it all.

    • Hi Roran,

      I certainly hope this does not come down. You’re entitled to your opinion as much as the next person. We don’t all have to agree with one another on every decision. You may not like the way I voted on this particular issue, and that is perfectly respectable, but I assure you every Council member up there is doing everything they can in the best interest of the island.

      • As a resident of the Island I assure you that is not a true statement. Dan, you are doing what is best for yourself and certain “ others”.

        • Hi Lisa,

          Thank you for your opinion. However, anyone that knows me knows that is not true. I may not do some things, or anything you like, but I definitely do not do them because it what’s best for me or certain “others” as you have put it. As someone that tries to please everyone by nature, this job teaches you that’s impossible. And that is ok. Anita gave me great advice a long time ago, she said you’ll never please everyone every time, but follow your heart on any decision you make and you will be successful. I have followed that advice since day one and will continue to do so as long as I have a voice. I hope you have a wonderful day.

    • I have always said if you don’t like the way things are being run, don’t complain, run for office and make a difference. Every person who has ever sat on council, past or present, doesn’t run with the idea they are going to ruin our town. They run with the best intentions. We will never agree with all the decisions made in our town but respect those who sit up there or run and make a difference yourself

      • Well said, Amy!

        Unlike some members of past councils, I believe the current TC truly has the best interests of FMB and its people at heart. And they all work very hard, and with transparency and excellent communication.

        It’s often clear that some of these commenters never attend (or watch) council meetings, the LPA, Mondays with the Mayor, etc. It’s just easier for them to baselessly assert corruption or whatever.

      • Spot on Amy. I had a long history of public service ( civic and town boards/offices) “up north” before moving here I ’96. I’ve been involved with several civic organizations here. I was approached to run for fire board but declined for health reasons. Getting involved is far more productive than just complaining!

    • “Shady stuff”, just a baseless accusation with no evidence provided, by someone without the courage to put sign their name. As for my vote on the walkover, it’s been consistent with my stance since I was a candidate last year. Knowing that, resident voters still elected me to the Town Council. Inexperienced? I’ll own up to that, but I’ve been busting my butt on behalf of this Town, and I am PROUD of what WE have accomplished together. You are wrong on your cheap shot at Vice Mayor Atterholt, as he has been consistent with his stance on this issue and voted true to that. I’m heading out to a meeting of the SouthWest Florida League of Cities, where I serve as Secretary, but if you want to discuss this further. Call me at 239-955-3455 or JohnKing@fmbgov.com.

      • I would like to add the building permit vids Jim did were a lot of work. Recording vids for upload is a ton of editing before you even add up the time for planning questions asked, staff coordinating etc. Tremendous help to many during a desperate time of need. I would also add rudely of course running on, the push to change Town Mgr, Town Attorney and soon Magistrate is a true blessing to us all. Actual HR Dept for town staff is a huge thing to get experienced, educated and successful/ambitious staff onboard. Has anyone met our new utilities manager or code compliance manager? Recruiting is not easy now a days these guys are on their game. Normally I just slam you all but the above comments are ridiculous and yes Ed you should take them down like you do mine when I am too bitchy. Who the hell is Rowan anyway ha! Karen does a fine job and sticks to her word. Is the walkover really going to do more damage than everyone walking or dragging coolers/chairs on the beach all the time. Or the boats parked next to shore blowing a hole in the sand to burry the prop for an anchor? Guys don’t comment on this garbage, don’t be bated to the nonsense, head down and stay in the game block out the noise.

      • You only won because Ray Murphy dropped the ball right at voting time. You won’t win again. No one on the island respects you as you don’t speak the truth and bully everyone who disagrees with you. One and DONE!!

        • EXACTLY —- I agree 100% Ray dropped the ball consistently all the time! That was the problem and why he was not voted back in. No accident, do you recall trying to get back to your home after Ian? Had you tried to get a permit during Roger’s time as Manager? How about trying to find an affordable contractor who would even step foot out here with the past leadership.

        • I won because more people voted for me because they were tired of the real bullies who were running Town Government as a dictatorship. No one? HA! Not reelected? Thanks Nostredomus. Bully? Because you don’t agree with me. 9ne and done? Who cares. I’ve been here and made a positive difference.

          • See folks? Just push him a little bit and the shark comes out.

            Twisted this one is.

            No one knew who you were before this, and they won’t know afterwards.

      • He has not been consistent John, he voted no at the last meeting then yes this meeting. Flipper. But then again, you’re either half asleep, on your phone or bullying people during meetings so it’s understandable that you don’t have a clue, but you’re lies will catch up to you.

        • Once again, the keyboard critics are so proud of their work the don’t sign their name. If you paid attention on 9/11 I voted to approve the walkover. I voted against moving it to the 25th as a protest because the issue didn’t need to be drug out. Bully, just because you don’t agree with me.

          • People don’t sign their names because they’re afraid of you. Not because they aren’t proud.

            Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    • You’re full of poo. ALL of our current Council is A1+++++ . I don’t agree with them all of the time, but I know they are caring islanders. What have you done for the Town?

    • While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I believe you might be in the minority when using these blanket statement about our Mayor and Vice Mayor. I have always found them to be aware that they have two ears and one month for a reason, they listen, ask questions and seem serious when coming to decisions. I was impressed by John Kings’s ideas and passion in-spite of what many called inexperience during his campaign. As far as Karen Woodson, her experience in her career and positions on the island were very impressive. As someone who went thru permitting, remodeling and an addition just two months before the storm, and now rebuilding after our home was a total loss, the town staff’s attitude and willingness to find solutions is a 180 degree turnaround under this council’s leadership.

      • 100% agree! Roger and his army of lazy bums probably terrorized any decent staff that was working for the town. He happily terrorized the residents no telling what the town staff was put through. People promoted who where no more ready or experienced for positions, raises given at will to those who kissed butt better. Trainwreck of junk. The whole thing was just embarrassing mess.

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