Elections Office Gearing Up For 2024


In preparation for the 2024 election cycle, the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Office has begun mailing approximately 150,000 Vote-by-Mail Request Expired Notices to registered voters who previously requested a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the 2022 General Election but have not yet submitted a request for 2024.

“This notice will serve as a reminder for voters to update their request with our office,” says Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle. “I encourage voters to request their Vote-by-Mail Ballot even if they plan to vote in person; life is unpredictable, as seen with last year’s hurricane. Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot acts as an insurance policy in the event of an emergency.”

Lee County will hold the following three elections in 2024: the Presidential Preference Primary Election on March 19, the Primary Election on August 20, and the General Election on November 5.

Voters who receive a Vote-by-Mail Request Expired Notice may update their request status online, by phone (239) 533-8683, by mail, e-mail, fax, in person at any one of our branch offices locations, or by scanning the QR code on the postcard. New requests are valid through December 2024.