Florida is a Deadly Place For Pedestrians


Between 2010 and 2019 nearly 2,000 pedestrians have been killed by drivers in the state of Florida while walking. A company called Dangerous by Design published the report which ranks 9 Florida communities in the top 13 as the most dangerous for pedestrians.

Fort Myers/Cape Coral ranked 11th in the country with 192 deaths over the nine years in the study, with Orlando taking the top spot with 295. In all 1,851 people were killed in the state of Florida between 2010 and 2019.

The Fort Myers area ranking was one of the reasons given by Lee County for passing an ordinance that makes it illegal to ask for money in the right-of-way of any Lee County roads.

Dangerous by Design says the reason there are so many pedestrian deaths is because “state and local transportation agencies place a higher value on speed (and avoiding delay) than they do on safety. It’s simply not possible to prioritize both. When faced with decisions that would elevate and prioritize safety for people walking but increase delay for vehicles, the decision-makers’ true priorities are laid bare.”
Read the full report by Dangerous by Design HERE.

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