Garbage Pickup To Begin At 6AM


Due to the delays from seasonal traffic, foot traffic and construction on Estero Boulevard, the vendor Advanced Disposal, was having trouble completing its routes on Fort Myers Beach.

The company requested, and was granted, the extra half hour from the Fort Myers Beach town council to get on the island earlier to collect trash, recyclables and yard waste.

Larry Weinberg from Advanced Disposal said by allowing the additional half hour the company would be able to better serve beach residents.

Of course that also means residents will have to put up with the additional half hour of early morning loud noise from the trucks, especially the loud beeping from the trucks when they back up.

The 6AM start is for the next 30 days only.

The company also requested a meeting with the town to go over how to deal with the upcoming Margaritaville, Times Square and bridge construction when all of those projects begin.

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