Happy 9th Dixie Fish


Dixie Fish Company on Fort Myers Beach recently celebrated its ninth anniversary. Originally built in 1937 as The Dixie Fish Co., the tin-roofed, open-air building has survived many hurricanes. Storm surge during Ian reached 18 feet, closing Dixie and its neighboring sister restaurant, Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille.

“It’s really hard to believe Dixie wasn’t open a year ago. Fortunately, we were able to reopen the restaurant in February 2023,” said Joe Harrity, a partner with HM Restaurant Group, which owns and operates Dixie Fish Company. “The anniversary was our way of celebrating with the community which has embraced us and supported us through the trials and successes over the past nine years.”

Dixie Fish Company is located at 714 Fishermans Wharf on Fort Myers Beach and open daily from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Visit dixiefishfmb.com or call 239-233-8837 for more information.


  1. Dixie Fish is definitely an old time Beach restaurant that we definitely need. All the new restaurants that will be built definitely won’t have this beach vibe. Good Luck Dixie!

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