Hello…This is Not a Parking Lot


Another unintended consequence of the wider Estero Boulevard; trucks using the middle turn lane to park and do their business. Its happening more and more now that the road is complete. And, the town council is not happy about it.

These pictures of the two landscaping vehicles were both taken on Wednesday, minutes apart, less than two miles from each other. Mayor Ray Murphy brought it up at a council meeting last week. He wants the town to be able to do something about the unsafe stopping.
You can even see that one of the workers has even put out a cone, as if he’s allowed to be there, and he’s warning drivers to slow down because he’s working.

The challenge with Estero Boulevard will always be the enforcement. The Boulevard is owned by Lee County which puts enforcement in the hands of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department. A town code enforcement officer cold approach the workers and ask them to move along. It’s unclear, if they didn’t move, what could be done after that, and hold up in court.

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