How High is Too High?


That’s the question LPA Chair Anita Cereceda wants her committee and the Town Council to discuss in another joint meeting. Cereceda said that while she loved the EIBC project she just couldn’t get past the height (10 stories) and voted no.

Cereceda says there needs to be an open conversation about public benefit and height and she believes it should be done in a joint meeting, especially with several major redevelopment projects coming up. Those projects include Seagate at the Red Coconut property, The Arches at Moss Marina, The Neptune, and London Bay at the former Outrigger property.

Seagate at Red Coconut

The LPA and Town Council have met jointly two times since Hurricane Ian nearly two years ago. At both meetings they voted unanimously to abide by the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. Some people who live and visit the island believe that meant that new development would only go as high as 3-4 stories. The LDC allows developers to ask for more height, density, etc. by submitting a Comprehensive Planned Development (CPD). Items they are not allowed to have by right. Applying for a CPD does not automatically mean the developer would get more than what’s allowed to them by right on their property. That’s when the horse trading begins.

The LPA and Town Council will then consider any public benefit the developer is bringing to the table and weigh those public benefits against the extras the developers are asking for. The challenge with public benefit is there is no defined list, what’s public benefit to one LPA member or Council member may not be to another. Is a restaurant really public benefit? How many more stories should a developer get for enhancing a view corridor or adding green space?

The new Neptune

There is a percentage of the community that believes the town incorporated in the mid 90’s to prevent high rise structures from being built on the island. Period. End of story. Full stop.  Everyone always uses DiamondHead as the final straw when it comes to height. Most of the higher buildings on the south end of the island were built before incorporation. Despite the new restrictions imposed by FEMA, and stricter building codes, they see these higher buildings or projects with more density being approved (Myerside and now EIBC) going against the intent of incorporation.

The Arches at Moss Marina

Jessie Titus served on the LPA for about 5 years in the early 2000’s. She told Beach Talk Radio news Tuesday that Lee County’s decision to allow Diamondhead to be built was the impetus behind the formation of the town.  “With the Comprehensive Plan, we made a promise to ourselves to move this island forward in a certain way, to maintain a certain lifestyle and environment, which involved thousands of hours of work and public input. WE decided the path our town would follow. WE decided how to make this little beach town and shrimping village grow and the “vibe” it would strive for, while maintaining its history.  And now, that promise may go by the wayside, and it’s ironically right next to the biggest reason we are a town.”

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  1. Public Benefits ?? Extras ???
    Please – just STOP !
    This is so annoying, frustrating and absolutely ridiculous.
    Obviously, no one can read the laws/rules on the books —- OR
    have personsal agendas !
    A “no” is a “no” …. Go back to the drawing board.
    And – If all these developers just “assumed” …. should have done better Due Diligence before paying the big bucks !!

  2. Very good article Ed. FMB committees should stick with their plan and quit allowing these tall buildings. If they allow one to get past the rules, they no longer have rules and all new rebuilds can be monstrosities. That’s not what any if us want.

    • That’s simply not true.

      As the mayor and Ms. Cereceda have said, allowing a variance on one project does not “set a precedent” and mean that every other project is entitled to the same variance.

      Every CPD/LDO is evaluated on its own.

  3. The town was incorporated after years of fighting against Diamondhead. So if we allow build back at multiple stories there is no longer a reason to be a town. Lee County can approve these monstrosities and we can save our tax dollars.

  4. Ed, Great piece. Well researched and explained. Interesting the thought is that incorporation should take priority over precedence, in particular on the south end of the island where taller buildings have existed for a very long time. As permanent residents on the south end of the island, my husband and I feel very strongly that projects like London Bay’s have much to offer the community and that the many pros out way the cons that are being raised.

    • Exactly!!! Also, every development should provide at least as much as Margaritaville had to provide in order to get what they got. Public beach, access, public restrooms, discount to residents, access to their amenities, etc. After these new monstrosities are built (thanks to King, Woodson, Safford and Atterholt) ,TPI will likely come back and seek to add height to their building, as their height restriction was eliminated.

  5. Very well said, so much of the reason we are all loving our sweet FMB is the “vibe”.

    The bottom line on these taller than need to be buildings is that it causes more traffic and destroys this island vibe. Now that beach property is so super big money – people want to get their “moneys worth” by more hotel rooms and larger monster houses. Yes, I get it that we need to progress as a community to current times. Just don’t want a sea of concrete like Marco island. It’s ugly. And more stand still traffic.

    • Taller buildings don’t automatically add more traffic.

      EIBC had 75 units before Ian, and they want to build back 75 units. Same number of units, same traffic.

  6. Thank you Jessie Titus. Providing the town servants continue to go against the will if the residents we could get the same thing from the county and not pay for FMB town government by dissolving the town’s incorporation. It seems the representation will be the same.

  7. I have never understood how a building can be built higher or differently than the rules set by the town. How can the rules change from one rebuild to another. Set the rules and stick with them. Stop rethinking the issue.


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