How Much You Pay For Extra LCSO Coverage?


Fort Myers Beach taxpayers will pay the Lee County Sheriff’s department $70,500 for extra traffic detail over the next year if the town council approves new contracts with LCSO on Monday. Here are the assignments those deputies are given, according to the contract…

Fort Myers Beach will be provided with extra traffic duty detail at the light at the base of the bridge by Times Square and enforcement of the signal at Old San Carlos Boulevard and Estero Boulevard (Fifth Street).

The agreements covers:
– Old San Carlos signal enforcement beginning Thanksgiving Weekend through January 15th.
– Traffic lights beginning Thanksgiving Weekend through April 17th.
– Traffic light coverage on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day Coverage.

The agreements do not cover additional beach or road patrol for high-volume days and holidays.

This agreement is above and beyond the two regular deputies LCSO regularly provides Fort Myers Beach, and any other additional deputies the Sheriff assigns to the beach during busy weekends, which the county pays for.

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