How to Watch or Listen to Our Show

We had a couple people ask how they can watch or listen to the show back home so we figured this would be a good time to provide readers with all the links in case anyone wants to share the details with everyone that loves Fort Myers Beach. And, who doesn’t love Fort Myers Beach?
Here are all the details on how you can watch or listen to our show:
It’s live every Saturday morning at 9AM at Pete’s Time Out on Fort Myers Beach.
You can watch it Live on Facebook HERE (You should like our page if you’re on FB so you get notified when we go live)
You can watch it Live on YouTube HERE (You should follow our YouTube page)
**We also carry all the town council meetings live on our Facebook and YouTube pages.
***You can also watch all the back episodes, on your schedule, if you ever miss one.
Here’s how you can listen. It’s not live on any of these platforms, the show becomes available later in the day Saturday for listening:
On iHeartRadio HERE (or on the iHeartRadio app on your phone)
On Apple Podcasts HERE (or on the Apple Podcasts app on your phone)
On Spotify HERE (or if you have the Spotify App on your phone)
** You can also download the Beach Talk Radio App from the Apple store of Google Play. On our app you can listen to our 24-hour music station and stay up to date on all the Fort Myers Beach News stories. You can also set up notifications to get breaking news alerts from the beach.
***You can subscribe to our Tuesday/Friday newsletter HERE. It’s free and it has the most in-depth news about Fort Myers Beach.